

인도 독립기의 댐건설 - 현대 인도의 새 신전건설 -


Indian dam building and its meaning at the time of its independence -The Construction of 'New Temples of Resurgent India'-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to retrace the historical background of the Indian dam building at the time of its independence. For that purpose, the author tries to identify the main scientists and engineers who wanted to transplant the American dam model (TVA) into India and expound the domestic & international situation which made possible the construction of Indian dams. Inwardly, the American-style dam construction in India was encouraged by the Indian scientists and technologists who were attracted by the scientific logic and technological prowess of the western world. Internationally, the good news of 'big dam construction' was propagated by the U. S. politicians, businessmen and technicians in the context of Cold War politics. Colonial government, which wanted to change its political control by an economic one, also played a role in proposing the big construction projects. It was in this intricate situation that dam building began as a big project of Indian nation-building. In the latter part, the author shows the actual process of Indian dam building-Damodar, Hirakud, Bhakra-Nangal-and, through this, wants to show that the original projects were distorted on the terrain of Indian politics and society. Finally, the author wants to stress the intricacy of the Third World development programs tried as nation-building projects.


서론 - 독립기 인도와 댐건설 문제
 Ⅰ. 인도에서의 TVA식 댐 건설 도입배경
  1. 인도의 과학자와 기술자-사하(M. Saha)와 사인(K. Sain)
  2. 릴리엔탈과 인도
 Ⅱ. 댐 건설에서 나타난 국가 건설의 성격과 한계 - 댐과 민족주의
 Ⅲ. 인도에서의 댐 건설 과정의 실제 모습
  1. 인도에 온 TVA 엔지니어들
  2. 인도 댐의 건설과정과 문제점
 결론 - 제 3세계 독립기 공공 건설의 다층적인 면


  • 김우민 Kim, Woo-min. 중앙대학교 역사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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