

D대학의 일부 의료기사 양성학과 학생들의 수업연한에 대한 인식조사


A Research of the Recognition on Term of Study in Department of Medical Technician at the D Health Science College

유지수, 한양금, 황수현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The self-reported questionnaire research was carried out from September 1, 2008 to October 31 targeting juniors for department of clinical pathology, department of radiation, department of dental technology, department of dental hygiene, department of physical therapy, and department of occupational therapy, which are the departments of training medical technicians in the health division of D university. As a result of surveying recognition of course of study according to major academic department, the following conclusions were obtained.
1. Students in 48.1% responded it to be proper to the currently educational period in the major academic department. However, even the opinion as saying of being short was indicated to be 44.9%. In the question about necessity for a change in the currently 3-year curriculum, the opinion as saying of being necessary for extension was the highest with 44.7%. There was significant difference according to academic department (p<0.001).
2. As for a reason for thinking that the extension in the course of study is necessary, the security of enough clinical practice time was indicated to be 45.9%. The biggest reason for requiring the course of study specially in more than 4 years was indicated to be 46.6% for being available for high-quality employment, and 21.3% for being easy for entering graduate school. There was significant difference according to academic department (p<0.001).
3. To the question about whether the stature of junior college will get higher given a rise in the course of study, 72.4% responded as saying of being probably so. In the vacational-education field given extension in the course of study, 70.4% was indicated to be likely to get higher in competitive edge.
4. In the response to the most proper educational period in the academic department, it was indicated to be 49.0% for 4-year system and 36.7% for 3-year system. There was significant difference according to academic department (p<0.001).
5. The opinion as saying that the successful opening and operation of the major in-depth course in the bachelor’s degree have influence upon autonomy of the course of study in junior college was indicated to be 62.6%. The opinion as saying of having intention of considering positively or affirmatively given being possible for the opening of the major in-depth course was indicated to be 61.6%.


1. 서론
 2. 연구방법 및 대상
 3. 연구결과
  3.1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
  3.2. 교육기간에 대한 견해
  3.3 교육기간의 변화 필요성에 대한 의견
  3.4. 수업연한 연장 필요성 이유
  3.5. 4년 이상 수업이 필요한 이유
  3.6. 교육기간 연장시 4년제 일반대학과의 직업교육분야 경쟁력
  3.7. 전공학과의 적당한 교육기간
  3.8. 전공심화 학사과정 운영이 수업연한 자율화에 미치는 영향
 4. 고찰
 5. 결론


  • 유지수 Ji-Su Yu. 혜전대학 치위생과
  • 한양금 Yang-Keum Han. 대전보건대학 치위생과
  • 황수현 Su-Hyun Hwang. (주)베리콤


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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