

노인 의치 장착에 따른 양대 구강병 및 흡연 관련성 연구


A Study on the Connection of Two major oral diseases and Smoking the Elderly in accordance with Denture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to reconfiguring the influencing factors on the investigation of health behaviors between denture wearing elders and non-denture wearing elders over 65 years old and to notice the importance oral health care, and to offer the basic data on the development of items on the area of oral health care the national health nutrition investigation.
This study, also performed comparison analysis each items based on the investigation of health senses behaviors.
The study has compared and analyzed the sexual, marital, educational, medical insurance and subjective health state as the general specificity of denture wearing elders and non-denture wearing elders over 65.
For the comparison analysis of the investigation of health senses behaviors. 6 items including smoking, drinking, obesity and weight control, mental health, rest and oral health were used.
1. In general specificity, there was no difference in sexual, medical insurance and subjective health state but in educational state. it showed meaningful difference (p<0.024) and in married group, non spouse group showed higher incidence of denture wearing (p<0.000) ed in non denture wearing group higher monthly average (p<0.003).
2. In comparison of oral disease according to the wearing of denture, lifetime decay, current decay filling, periodontal disease of past 1 year, Doctor's diagnosis of periodontal disease, current periodontal disease treatment, analyzed as influencing factors on denture wearing (p<0.000).
Lifetime Temporo-mandibular disease showed no relation to denture wearing.
3. The subjective oral health of the denture wearing elder group showed 4.6% lower compare to
non-denture wearing group (p<0.000).
4. Denture wearing elder group showed higher smoking volume and starting age of smoking was
advanced about 12 years compare to non-denture wearing group (p<0.000).


1. 서론
 2. 연구대상 및 방법
  2.1. 연구대상
  2.2. 연구방법
  2.3. 자료분석
 3. 연구성적
  3.1. 일반적 특성
  3.2. 경제상태와의 비교
  3.3. 양대 구강병 상태 비교
  3.4. 흡연 관련성 비교
  3.5. 주관적 구강건강수준 비교
 4. 고찰
 5. 결론


  • 김지혜 Ji-Hye Kim. 제주관광대학교 치위생과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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