

서울에 온 청의 칙사 馬夫大와 삼전도비


A Study on the Manchu Envoy Mafuta and the Samjeondobi

서울에 온 청의 칙사 마부대와 삼전도비


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper was written to testify the whole process of constructing the Samjeondobi, and its influence regarding the political and cultural changes in Choson dynasty. It was the Manchu Envoy Mafuta that suggested this project to Choson, interfered in preparing the materials, and inscribed the epitaph. Mafuta finally succeeded in erecting a monument at Samjeondo, the very place where Injo was forced to surrender to Huang Taiji, the Qing emperor in 1636. Coincidentally the geographical location of this headstone was also very critical in terms of ground and waterborne traffic system. Many Choson scholars and officers passed by the headstone. They were deeply humiliated by the degrading monument and had no private meetings with Manchu envoys who usually tried to go there. Near the monument, was Namhan fortress, which was regarded as a safety zone in case of emergency and secretly maintained by the government. Choson officers are worried if the secret was disclosed. As time went by, they developed and maintained Kanghwa Island that was another safety zone far from the Manchu envoys’ flow of traffic.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 회유와 순응
 III. 潘陽의 압력, 달라진 碑文
 IV. 한 면에 새긴 碑文
 V. 한 면에서 兩面으로
 VI. 사라진 詩會, 주목받는 江華島
 VII. 맺음말


  • 배우성 Bae Woo-Sung. 서울시립대학교 국사학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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