

17세기 전반 京華士族의 人的關係網 -《世舊錄》의 분석을 중심으로 -


Human network of Kyunghwasajok(京華士族) in the early 17th century of Chosun dynasty - Laying stress on analysis of《Segurok(世舊錄)》-

17세기 전반 경화사족의 인적관계망 -《세구록》의 분석을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



That this writing records interchange person of Jeonjuissi(全州李氏) Deokcheongunpa (德泉君派) Lee yougan(李惟侃) and Lee Kyung-gic(李景稷) at early part of 17th century that through analysis of《Segurok》 this time to make clear Gyeonghwasajok' (京華士族)s human network make. Jeonjuissi Deokcheongunpa Lee yougan and Lee Kyung-gic pedigree that handle in eagle accounted for important weight within Seoin(西人) forces since Injobanjeong(仁祖反正).《Segurok》 that arranges warm reception and records their interchange person, Leegwangyun(李匡尹) made in dimension for influence ostentation of pedigree that is cowered middle of 18th century moment propel by one of work which praise statue. 404 people, of persons who these communicate were recorded to《Segurok》. Recorded reason or background which about 70% among more than this is communicated.With if typify this ① relative affinity relation, is classified with ② neighbors ③ school ties ④ government office life ⑤ other back. Truth that is observed through this refers Gyeonghwasajok's school ties this time, very various school ties existed, and mutual interchange is achieved. Only, it need to be true that Hwadamhakpa(花潭學派) exists many, and watch Minsun(閔純) order especially among Hwadamhakpa to be observed especially doing this way. Is not limited in faction which interchange personal relationships is specific politicallyand, social intercourse truth with military officer who interchange of civil officials with only servant is not is noted including existence named Makha(幕下) by communicating person. Like this, as well as these communicated in usual life through formed human network, when go out in the local office or go condemnation of a criminal to exile because is placed to unhappiness politically, visited each other and recognize or meet. Usual interchange was connected by interdependent relation, and exchanged gift when is difficult. Also, formed relation that played the role of such as insurance in political emergency, and does together intent politically. Solidified oneself binding by forming Ginohoe(耆老會) or Ginogye(耆老契) connection various Gyehoes(契會) socially. Such wide human network that is seen in Leeyougan pedigree that is not soft human network image that can set by characteristic that appear from hardening four legs at early part of 17th century dwindling think. This special quality estimates that would not is limited only to human network, and affected changelessly in politics or thought.


I. 머리말
 II. 李惟侃 家門의 위상과《世舊錄》
  1. 孝惟侃 가문의 성장과 京華士族내 위상
  2.《世舊錄》의 撰者와 撰述 배경
 III.《世舊錄》을 통해 본 人的關係綱
 IV.《世舊錄》에 나타난 交流 양상
  1. 일상적인 교류와 膳物 贈與
  2. 정치 사회적 활동
 V. 맺음말
 <부록> 전주이씨 덕천군파 이유간 가문의 연혼도


  • 이근호 Lee, Geun-Ho. 국민대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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