

제약중심이론에 의한 영어 음절화 분석


A Constraint-Based Approach of Syllabification in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The processes of syllabifying words in English could not be explained adequately with rule derivations or absolute principles in the rule-based approach. They should be analysed from the interaction of violable and relatively ranked constraints. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the needed constraints and their ranking in the discussion of English syllabification within the framework of a constraint-based theory. Needed constraints and their ranking are available for our discussion of English syllabification. From the constraint-based perspective, a few constraints and their ranking for English syllabification are suggested as follows: Align》 No Lax》 Coda Con》 Onset》 Parse》 MOS(MOP)
In this paper, a single constraint ranking for English syllabification has been proposed. I have seen that the optimal forms among a few candidates in each example can be well selected by the above single constraint hierarchy. Therefore above hierarchy has been justified in the explanation of English syllabification with reference to the OT.


 1. 서론  2. 음절화에 대한 여러 논의들
 2.1. 강세(Stress)
 2.2. 음절초 최대원칙(Max-Onset)
 2.3. 자음과 모음의 유형
 2.4. 양음절원칙(Ambisy llabicity)
 2.5. 어중 sC연쇄
 2.6. 음운적인 음절화와 형태적인 음절화
 2.7. 말의 속도
 2.8. 이음적인 정보(Allophonic Information)
 2.9. 음소배열상의 합법성(Phonotactic Legality)
 3. 최적성이론(Optimality Theory: OT)과 영어음절화
 3.1. 최적성이론 개관
 3.2. 영어음절화 분석
 4. 결론


  • 곽성수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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