


효모종류를 달리한 탁주 술덧의 품질특성


Quality Characteristics of the Mashes of Takju Prepared

이흥숙, 박창숙, 최진영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Quality characteristics such as alcohol, acid, and sugar contents of takju brewing mashes prepared using several yeasts were investigated during 12-days of fermentation. Among the yeasts examined, S. cerevisiae led to the highest level of ethanol (10.2-13.4%) and total minor alcohols (0.729-0.831 mg/mL). Regardless of the yeasts used, the acidity showed drastic changes (pH from 3.4-4.2 down to 2.4-2.7) during the first 2 days, and displayed negligible changes from day 4.
The total acid contents rapidly increased to the first 4 days of fermentation and leveled off from 4 to the end of fermentation period. The common organic acid components were lactic, succinic and acetic acids. The total and reducing sugar contents varied depending on the yeasts used, with mashes prepared using S. coreanus and S. rouxii producing the maximum total sugar contents (5.43-5.5%) at the end of fermentation. The reducing sugar showed its maximum (7.53-
14.89%) at day 2, after which it decreased to its minimum levels (3.04-4.52%). The common free sugar components were glucose and fructose, while S. ellipsoideus led to a higher free sugar level (0.35-5.29%).


 재료 및 방법
  탁주의 담금 및 발효
  미량 알코올 성분
  pH 및 총산
  총당 및 환원당
 결과 및 고찰
  미량 알코올 성분
  pH 및 총산
  총당 및 환원당


  • 이흥숙 Heungsook Lee. 세종대학교 식품공학과/탄수화물소재연구소
  • 박창숙 Chang Sook Park. (주)바이오세움
  • 최진영 Jin Young Choi. 한북대학교 식품영양학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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