


인지언어학적 관점의 시제 교육에 관한 고찰


A Study on Tense Education from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics

오현아, 강효경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study purposed to examine the patterns at which tense was handled in grammar education and to propose directions for organizing new contents of tense education from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. In order to expand existing grammar education focused on ‘accuracy’ to that focused on ‘effectiveness’ as suggested in this study, we need to introduce actively three approaches of experience, salience and ideology from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics into grammar education. Current grammar education emphasizing the accurate and correct use of Korean language can be expanded to effectiveness‐oriented grammar education emphasizing ‘meaning’, ‘expression’, and ‘language use’ based on the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics, and the contents of grammar education can be reorganized into a language form that reveals the intentions of writers and speakers effectively. At that time, the contents of tense education may go beyond learners’ simple practice of the tri‐component system of ‘past‐present‐future’ to cognitive linguistic and cross‐cultural perception of time expression and further to the comprehensive understanding of tense, mood and aspect. For this, we identified questions in the tense of Korean language, which are: Is the tense system of Korean language of two components or three components; (2) Is Korean language a tense‐centered language or a mood‐centered language; and (3) what is the semantic function of future tense morpheme ‘겠’. In addition, from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics, we suggested the transition of the contents of tense education from form‐centered to meaning‐centered, from token‐centered to type‐centered, and from understanding‐centered to expression centered.


1. 왜 시제 교육인가?
 2. 문법 교육 목표에 대한 검토
  1) 인지언어학적 관점의 적극적 도입
  2) 언어관 : 언어 중심에서 언어 사용자 중심으로
  3) 인간관 : 수용자 중심에서 생산자 중심으로
  4) 문접교육관 : 이해 중심에서 표현 중심으로
  5) 문법 교육 내용 : 필자 혹은 화자의 의도를 효과적으로 드러내는 언어 형식
 3. 시제 교육에 대한 인지언어학적 접근
  1) 한국어 시제 체계는 이분 체계인가 삼분 체계인가
  2) 한국어는 시제 중심 언어인가 서법 중심 언어인가
  3) 미래시제 형태소 '-겠-'의 의미 기능은 무엇인가
 4. 인지언어학적 관점의 시제 교육 내용 구성 방향
  1) 언어 체계의 형태 중심에서 언어 사용자가 해석 가능한 의미 중심의 시제 교육으로
  2) 명목 중심에서 유형 중심의 시제 교육으로
  3) 이해 중심에서 표현 중심의 시제 교육으로


  • 오현아 Oh, Hyeon-Ah. 서울대학교 국어교육연구소 연구원
  • 강효경 Kang, Hyo-Kyung. 서울대학교 사범대학 국어교육과 BK21 국어 능력 계발 인재 양성 사업팀 지원 대학원생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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