


백석 시에 나타난 공동체 윤리


Community ethics of Baek-seok's poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There were expressed clearly in Baek-seok’s poetry, the poet's interest for the desirable relation between individual and community, and the process of continuous seeking. From this viewpoint, it is natural that the three elements like as blood relation, regional relation, and friendship, which compose a community are subject matters of his poetry. In this treatise, I examined the traditional community's aspects classified in ‘work’, ‘play’, ‘ritual’, ‘ancestral rites’ that are expressed in Baek-seok’s poetry. Our traditional society could enjoy the affluent and comfortable life, culture and pleasant work in which people shared the ‘work’, ‘play’, and ‘food’. Baek-seok’s poetry makes us think back that the culture of mutual help cannot be found in our surrounding. But his effort pursuing an ideal seek for new community's possibility is continuous. Baek-seok showed us the deep breathing of our national history, and described the shape of universal human community in his poetry. The readers could get the consolation and courage from Baek-seok’s poetry in which our dream is expressed vividly for the harmony of individual and community.


1. 머리말
 2. 백석 시에 나타난 전통적 공동체의 양상
  1) 일 공동체
  2) 놀이 공동체
  3) 의례 공동체
  4) 제의 공동체
 3. 전통적 공동체의 해체와 이상적 공동체의 추구
 4. 맺음말


  • 임수만 Lim, Soo-Man. 한국교원대학교 국어교육과 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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