


사진촬영 경험을 통한 여대생의 심리변화 연구 - 외모 개선 효과를 병행한 사례를 중심으로 -


The Study on the Experience of Picture-Taking Change Them Psychological of Female Students' - Focus on the Effectiveness of the Image Improvement Cases -

백승휴, 오인영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With examining psychological change through deep individual interviews after twice of
picture-taking & image improvement experiments for 10 female student in 2-years college from
March to April, 2009, the study tries to find a positive psychological change and influence
through outward appearance improvement and picture-taking. The results from the twice of experiments and individual interviews are: Before the image-making and in the first picture-taking, the students came with a shy face, shrinked action, slightly stooped motion, refusal hand motion to shooting, awkward smile, and twisted lips for taking pictures. However, because of having an image consulting, they could rediscover right self-images and self-body images, and then, in the second picture-taking, they also evinced more positive actions such as looking at the photographer, posing grandly by holding skirts, taking the best angle for shooting, putting their hands into pockets, widening their shoulders and arms, crossing their arms, and taking girlish poses. Also, in consequence of having deep interviews with looking at students' self-pictures which were the results from the 1st and 2nd picture-takings, it shows that enhanced self-images which had became conscious of, increased interests on their outward appearances, and active wills like self-awarnesses of and practice of needs in diet. That is, it gives an opportunity to get a correct understanding of one's own body image in an objective way, increase interest in appearance image, enhance the needs of resolving dissatisfaction with the body by making oneself up positively, and perform appearance management actions. Thus, the study concludes that, since the experience of picture-taking with the effectiveness of the image improvement worked as a function that female students could see their egos and self-images objectively, it is the effective and practical method or mean of increasing positive self-respect, am interest of self-image and self-confidence.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성과 목적
  2. 연구대상 및 연구방법
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 사진 매체의 특성과 치료적 관점에서의 사진 촬영
  2. 외모의 사회심리적 의미와 작용
  3. 외모관리 행동
  4. 신체 언어(body language)
 Ⅲ. 결과
 Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


  • 백승휴 Seung-Hyu Baek. 서경대학교 대학원 미용예술학과
  • 오인영 In-Young O. 서경대학교 대학원 미용예술학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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