A Study on the Influence of Oriental Thoughts on Abstract Education in Bauhaus - Focused on the Art Theories and Educational systems of Bauhaus by Wassily Kandinsky
The aim of this study is to research on W. Kandinsky's artistic attempts to express a human's ‘internal inevitability' by forms and colors into Abstract Art. Especially, it focuses on the relationship between his theories and oriental thoughts. In a word, his ideas on ‘Abstract’ was formed by the Influences of mystic music such as Scriabin and Theosophy. Furthermore, his belief on the Abstract in Modern arts had constantly been showed in his works and theories through his books. Particularly, his ‘Abstract Art’ activities in Bauhaus had influenced greatly in the realm of education, which finally made Modern Design as ‘Pure Form’ spread all over the world. Notably, it is undoubtedly fact that his artistic ideas and theories had been greatly
influenced by Oriental thoughts as Theosophy, which was composed by and with Oriental thoughts and religions, had been. Therefore, The influence of Orientalism in the realm of arts including architecture was one of the significant sources from which he brought out the essence of Abstract.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적1)
1.2 연구방법 및 범위
2. 추상예술의 등장과 근대건축
2.1 사실주의에서 추상으로의 전이
2.2 새로운 공간에 대한 가능성
3. 칸딘스키의 추상예술과 바우하우스 활동
3.1 추상회화의 선구자 칸딘스키
3.2 바우하우스에서의 교육
4. 칸딘스키의 사상과 작품에서의 동양사상
4.1 사상적 배경으로서의 동양사상
4.2 작품에서의 동양사상
5. 결론