

무용수의 상해 수용과 예방을 위한 인식적 고찰


A Cognitive Study on Dance Injury Acceptance


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Dancers are exposed to injuries or pain because in order to have the ideal physique they not only control their weight but also constantly strengthen their bodies for the perfection of movements and techniques. The problem is that the dancers take the level of injuries and pain for granted and consider them as a common physical exterior injury. Therefore this study evaluates how the dance major students in university and those who graduated majoring dance accept and recognize injuries during practice and what injury culture the current dancers share in order to provide the basic literature data on the social acceptance of injury culture. Research method involves literature research based on various precedent research results related to dance injuries and research of cognitive side on the acceptance level depending on injury levels of the dancers through a participatory observance of the dance major students in college. Through the above research methods the following results were attained on the acceptance level of dance injuries. It was revealed that dancers, regardless of the injury location, frequency of the injury, the reasons and causes of injury, were rationalizing injury culture naturally. When the precedent works related to dance injuries were evaluated it was seen that the longer the recognition on injury culture, or the longer one belonged to an organization or the more injury experience one has will reduce the acceptance level of dance and sport injuries and accept injuries and pain in a normal attitude as something that should be overcome for granted.


 서 론
 무용수의 사회 문화적 이미지
 무용 상해와 관련한 선행연구분석 및 고찰
 무용수의 상해 수용과 예방을위한 인식적 문제
 결론 및 제언


  • 배귀영 Bae, Gui-Young. 창원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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