


체호프의 「개를 데리고 다니는 부인」과 그것의 영상화에 대한 비교 연구


Chekhov's short novel [A woman with a dog] and its screen adaptation by Kheifits


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chekhov's short novel [A woman with a dog] and its screen adaptation by Kheifits Seo, Sang-Beom This article compares Chekhov's short novel [A woman with a dog] with Kheifits's cinema with the same title. Kheifits, a film director, had been a reader of Chekhov's short novel before he produced the film based on the Chekhov's work. In this case there is a large gap between the time of Chekhov's creating the work and the time of Kheifits's making the film. The passage of time made it possible for the director to reflect critically on the original short story and to show his meta attitude to the original. This Chekhov's work presents a couple of lovers who thrive to get authenticity of life and love among people with a cold attitude about life. Doing this, Chekhov tries to exclude all kinds of prejudice. The writer doesn't show a clear future of two people's love. The film adaptation and the original text are in the mutual relationship and the film is a meta text of the original. In this case film adaptation utilizes not only verbal symbols but also visual and auditory symbols, which make new meanings. The director put the love of two married people into the broader social context, into the stagnated Russia of end of the century. So the future of their love seems more dark than the original. The idea of Kheifits is expressed by narration, visual images, and auditory symbols.


1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2-1. 체호프와 헤이피츠
  2-2. 인물과 사물의 형상
  2-3. 내레이션
  2-4. 슈제트
  2-5. 소리와 시각적 요소
 3. 결론


  • 서상범 Seo, Sang-Beom. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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