




A Study On the magazine name of the women's magazine in Japanese Taisho period



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study On the magazine name of the women's magazine in Japanese Taisho period Park, Jung-Il  As a result of having considered the magazine name of the women's magazine of Taisho period, I was able to discover various characteristics. For example.  There is overwhelmingly much use of the kanji word with 98 examples (68%) by the magazine name. Meanwhile, there is the use of the katakana word of foreign origin for letter notation such as "woman thyme", and I diversify lexically, and there being it is thought about with influence by the character of the Taisho democracy. In addition, as for the factor that accelerated the birth of the girl magazine, that interest for the home training rose that woman education was begun is raised on a national scale. The example only for an example has sum total 109 examples (75%), and there is variety of the magazine name. I understand that the magazine name which is the symbol of the women's magazine has been regarded as important by state of things.  Many magazines were launched for Taisho period, and it was ceased to publish again. A new magazine name appeared in the degree, but thinks the magazine name to be have been reflection of the times of the Taisho democracy. The figure which finished a new Japanese image for women reflected it conspicuously in the world of the women's magazine.


1. はじめに
 2. 大正デモクシ一の女性誌の槪觀
 3. 結論


  • 朴正一 박정일. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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