


Artist Teachers/Teaching Artists: Negotiating Pedagogic Identities


Nicholas Addison

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Within the context of further professional development art teachers and educators often reflect on their pedagogy through discursive and written modes of analysis and research. However, in recent years there has been a turn to visual practice as research and this paper maps how four MA students and one doctoral student engage with its possibilities. Rather than conceiving artistic practice as an alternative to their pedagogic situation, each of them finds a way to re-engage more fully with practice so as to understand this situation more fully; in this way they are able to transform both their artistic and their pedagogic practice simultaneously. The first MA student finds a way to enter art teaching by re-imagining the pedagogy of her childhood in domestic settings; the second reinvigorates his teaching with reference to artistic practices developed within a friendship; the third crosses disciplinary subject boundaries to transform the outcomes of school art; the fourth, investigates pedagogic power relations through performative strategies while the doctoral student attempts to dissolve the boundaries that make art and art education distinct categories.


 The Nature of Identity
 Case Studies of Four Graduate Students at Institute of London


  • Nicholas Addison Institue of Education University of London


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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