

만성골수성백혈병 환자의 효용가중치 비교


Comparison of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient's Utility Weights

이의경, 이지현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia(CML) have different health status according to their disease conditions uch as chronic phase(CP), accelerated phase(AP), blast crisis(BC), stage with MCyR(Major Cytogenetic esponse); therefore, every patient has different quality of life related to their disease condition. Objectives: To measure he quality of life, this study compared and analyzed the utility weight in patients with CML. This study also evaluated he utility weight in order to view comparisons between the quality of life in a patient with CML to a patient with diabetes, which is a representative chronic disease. Methods: The disease scenario described 5 symptoms of the CP, AP, BC of the CML, the CML which gets the MCyR and the diabetes. Utility weight was developed using the EQ-5D method. All statistical data were analyzed by STATA 10.0 Results: 57 nurses(95%) out of 60 answered the questionnaire. In CP, the utility weight was 0.7946. In AP, it was 0.5301. and in BC, it was -0.2793. Survey data indicate that the worse the condition of a disease, the lower the utility weight. In case of the CML which gets the MCyR, the result was 0.7731(95% CI : 0.7384 - 0.8079). The general diabetes which has no complicating disease, the utility weight was 0.7481(95% CI : 0.6983 - 0.7978). Based on the result, it is evident that those with MCyR are not significantly different from people with general diabetes (p=0.4096) in views of the quality of life.


 연구 방법
  조사 방법
  EQ-5D를 이용한 CML 효용가중치(Utility weights) 측정
 연구 결과
  질병 상태별 EQ-5D의 각 항목 점수 분석
  질병 상태별 효용 가중치
 고찰 및 결론


  • 이의경 Eui Kyung Lee. 숙명여자대학교
  • 이지현 Ji Hyeon Lee. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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