


현대국어의 음운사적 고찰


Historical Phonology in Present-day Korean


국어사학회 국어사연구 제9호 2009.10 pp.123-150
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In general it is said that the starting point of present-day Korean is the threshold of 20th century. It seems that there are many criteria drawing a line between the modern Korean and present-day Korean. But as to the phonological area, features distinguishing present-day Korean from modern Korean have not been presented sufficiently. The monophthongization of ‘oy, uy’ is the most characteristic change, but less important. The method for the historical phonology of present-day Korean is different from that of the earlier period of Korean. For example, the records of documents is the most important in the study of middle Korean or modern Korean. But it is no longer valid for the present-day Korean. In contrast with earlier Korean, the field work of dialects are the core in the present-day Korean. In addition, language norm affects phonological changes more vigorously.


1. 머리말
 2. 연구 방법과 관련된 몇 문제
  2.1. 시대 구분과 음운사적 기준
  2.2. 국어사와 방언사
  2.3. 연구 자료
  2.4. 통시론적 관점
  2.5. 음성 실현과 음운 변화
  2.6. 언어 외적인 요인의 영향
 3. 음운 체계의 변화
  3.1. 자음
  3.2. 모음
  3.3. 운소
 4. 음운 현상의 변화
  4.1. 구개음화의 변화
  4.2. 유음 탈락의 변화
  4.3. 자음군 단순화의 변화
  4.4. 비음 뒤 경음화의 변화
  4.5. 어간 구조의 변화
 5. 맺음말


  • 이진호 Lee, Jin-Ho. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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