This article aimes at general survey of the ancient Korean phonology. There are several aspects in the ancient Korean phonology. Namely there are the phonemic system and phonological phenomena. Until these days there are so many unsolved problems in ancient Korean phonology. In this article I tried to present various unsolved problems in the ancient Korean phonology. In the phonemic system, we are not sure whether it is distintive or not distintive of feature of aspiration. And in vowel system it is difficult to point what is the controversial problem, because of so many unsolved problem. About the phonological phenomena, I could explain some historical views in the aspect of phonological change. On this point, the most important thing is the unplosive phenomenon in Korean historical phonology.
2. 子音 體系
2.1. 논의의 쟁점
2.2. 경음 계열
2.3. 격음 계열
2.4. 순경음 ‘ㅸ[ß]’ 및 반치음 ‘ㅿ[z]’
2.5. 자음 체계에 관련된 기타의 쟁점
3. 母音 體系
4. 韻素 體系
5. 音韻 現象 및 音節 構造
5.1. 불파음화의 성립과 비음 동화, 경음화, 중화 등의 관계
5.2. 기타의 音韻 現象
5.3. 音節 構造