

현대미술의 비평적 재조명-포스트모더니즘 이후의 전망


Critical Re-illumination of Modern Art- a Prospect beyond the Postmodernism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The history of art during the first half of the last decade was founded the discussion with highly impressive and confident. The art might establish its unique area based on self recognition at that era. The self-confidence of modern art may be possible on enlightenment, which is the firm relationship for knowledge and reality. However the faith of modernism which shows rational tendency, objective, and the existence of universal knowledge has been drastically doubted and criticized thereafter. A internal ideological system which had leaded the modern art was exhausted. Postmodernism revolved to the dramatic openness leaning against the deoedipalizational confession. According to the dissipation of the vitality of modern art postmodern art has been evolved and then various phenomena which follow the trends has been emerged. The avant-garde and resisteive attribute of modern art was diluted fast due to the influx of popular culture. As time goes it can be attracted by spectacle taste than metaphysical peculiarity. It has to inevitably justified the drift of light and quick themes, contents, and images. Such as these phenomena realistically shows fact that postmodern art had been failed to open a new chapter of consilience which intermediates beauty and usual communication to overcome the solipsism of modernism. A trial to pursuit the opened esthetics conceived more ‘heroic’ ‘Star-Subject’ than before by dismantling the modern ‘Hero-Subject’. Postmodernism has been recorded as a regression of art, which is the technology of profound spirit that mitigates antagonism and confrontation and mediates mutual encountering of human being. Prevailing of postmodern freedom had been accompanied by popularity, osetentation consumption, marketing, gambling level exitement, mixtures of desires with price fluctuations. We witness ‘self-confinement’ and ‘lasting absence of exit’ phenomena in postmodernism ideology and practice. We have to deal postmodernism as an ‘ideology which closes the discussion for the future’ in the context of ‘absence of way’ at this point. We are going to investigate how postmodern ideology and practice takes part in the prospection beyond thereafter through discussion. We also pay attention to the ‘absence of prospection’ as a internal problem in itself nevertheless mention the three merge points such as tradition or memory, earthy thought, the self who confrontation others as the clue of prospecting thought which is allowing coming over postmodern absence.


Ⅰ. 새로운 방향, 출구에 대한 요구
 Ⅱ. 포스트모더니즘의 역설과 오류
  1. 역설적인 자기소거의 활력
  2. 포스트모더니즘의 ‘자기유폐’와 ‘출구의 지속적 부재화’
 Ⅲ. 포스트모더니즘과 ‘그 이후’의 전망적 사유를 위한세 단서
  1. 역설적 환원주의, 또는 모스트-모던(most-modern)한포스트모더니즘(post-modernism)
  2. 내파(內波)와 힘의 이동
  3. 이미지 정치학과 그 실패
 Ⅳ. 포스트모더니즘 이후
  1. 전망적 사유를 위한 세 융합점: 전통(또는 기억),대지적 사유, 타자와 대면하는 자아
  2. ‘그 이후’ 시대를 여는 담론


  • 심상용 Sim, Sang-Yong. 동덕여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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