

바이오센서 및 바이오칩

Fabrication and characterization of optical biosensors using enzyme-quantum dot conjugates and PHEMA hydrogel microparticles



Enzyme sensors for the on-site analysis of phenolic compounds, a class of polluting chemicals, were actively studied in the environmental fields. For the development of a microanalysis device to detect phenolic compounds, PHEMA hydrogel microparticles containing conjugates of
enzyme (tyrosinase) and quantum dot as an optical biosensor were prepared by a dispersion photopolymerizatrion and the microchannel was fabricated with PDMS and filled with the particles. Using the fluorescence quenching property of quinone intermediates produced
from the enzyme reaction between tyrosinase and phenol, the fluorescent responses of the quantum dot were investigated according to the phenol concentration. The activity and sensitivity of the enzyme and quantum dot were maintained when they were conjugated and encapsulated within the PHEMA hydrogel microparticles. The fluorescent response of the PHEMA hydrogel microparticles containing tyrosinase-quantum dot conjugates was affected by the concentration of phenol. These results indicate that the PHEMA hydrogel microparticles containing tyrosinasequantum dot conjugates prepared in this study have a possibility to be
used as an optical biosensor to detect phenolic compounds.


  • Sun-a PARK Dept. of Chemicalengineering, Hongik University, Seoul, 121-791.
  • Eunji JANG Dept. of Chemicalengineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-749.
  • Won-Gun KOH Dept. of Chemicalengineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-749.
  • Bumgsang KIM Dept. of Chemicalengineering, Hongik University, Seoul, 121-791.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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