

바이오센서 및 바이오칩

Glucose Oxidase-Entrapped Mesoporous Carbon Paste Electrode for the Detection of Glucose



We developed a novel carbon paste electrode (CPE) utilizing enzymeincorporated mesoporous carbon material. MSU-F-C having 25 nm inner pore size was synthesized by generally accepted method. Glucose oxidase (GOX) was entrapped in the mesoporous carbon by crosslinking with glutaldehyde to prevent leaking of enzyme. The paste formed by mixing of GOX-incorporated carbon and mineral oil was filled in 5 mm diameter tube. As a result, our GOX-mesoporous
CPE showed reliable activity after 4 weeks storage in room condition, otherwise the activity of a trivial enzyme-CPE fabricated by just mixing of enzyme and carbon material was eliminated within 6 days. Also, it have shown reliable dependency according to the glucose concentration ranging from 0~100 mM and it is a reasonable detection range because a normal glucose level in human blood is about 5 mM. Our GOX-mesoporous CPE could provide a great benefit to the
glucose monitoring field and it could also introduce a novel concept to improve the stability of enzyme-incorporated electrode.


  • Byoung Yeon WON KAIST.
  • Moon Il KIM KAIST.
  • Hyun Gyu PARK KAIST.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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