

동물 및 식물세포공학

Purification and Characterization of Trypsin from the Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Culture



Bovine trypsin is a pancreatic serine protease with substrate specificity based upon positively charged lysine and arginine side chains. It is derived from a 34kDa inactive precursor zymogen, trypsinogen, after enzymatic removal of an N-terminal 6-amino acid leader sequence resulting in the 24kDa trypsin molecule. It is widely used for commercial purposes to digest or process other proteins. Plant production system of recombinant proteins offers a way to replace animal-derived proteins with a safe and economical alternative. Recombinant bovine trypsin was produced in transgenic rice cell suspension culture with the rice amylase 3D promoter. It was purified
from transgenic rice cell suspension culture by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. The enzyme activity of purified recombinant bovine trypsin was generally characterized by zymogram. The results demonstrate the use of recombinant bovine
trypsin derived from plant cell suspension culture as protease.This work was supported by the grant from Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy.


  • Eun-Sun JEUNG Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Yun-Ji SHIN Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Hyo Boon KIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Young-Eun YOO Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Nan-Sun KIM Division of Biological Sciences, Chonbuk National University
  • Hong-Soo DOO Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Moon-Sik YANG Division of Biological Sciences, Chonbuk National University
  • Tae-Ho KWON Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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