

환경생물 및 에너지

Biocontrol Efficacies of Butlerius sp. ANU501 against Three Insect Pests of Cruciferous Vegetables in Greenhouse



The pathogenicity of Butlerius sp. ANU501 against three major cruciferous insect pests: Artogeia rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) was evaluated. In pot and greenhouse experiment, the larval mortality increased with an increasing dosage of nematodes. The efficacy in greenhouse varied with vegetable species, depending on the persistence time of nematode suspension on the vegetable leaves after spraying. Just after spraying nematodes, the remaining water content and live nematode number on leaf were 7.09 g and 49.6 nematodes for the vegetable Brassica lee ssp. Namai., and 6.37 g and 50.2 nematodes for Brassica junacea L., whereas values for Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala Alef. (D.C.) were very low, 4.16 g and 6.3 nematodes. In Brassica lee ssp. namai., Butlerius sp. ANU501 caused the highest efficacy against P. xylostella (88%), A. rapae (29%), and M. brassicae (37%), when applied at a rate of 3 x 1010 nematodes/ha. Butlerius sp. ANU501 did not provide satisfactory control for A. rapae and
M. brassicae, but were significantly effective in control of P. xylostella. This study shows that Butlerius sp. have the great potential as a biological control agent for P. xylostella in greenhouse.


  • Hae Woong PARK Dept. of Biotechnology, Yonsei University
  • Hyeong Hwan KIM Horticultural & Herbal Crop Environment Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA
  • Sung Hun YOUN Dept. of Biotechnology, Yonsei University
  • Deokyeong CHOE Dept. of Biotechnology, Yonsei University
  • Dae Hwan KIM Dept. of Biotechnology, Yonsei University
  • Chul Soo SHIN Dept. of Biotechnology, Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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