

환경생물 및 에너지

Production of High Concentration of Ethanol from Corn and Triticale



Optimization of fermentation condition for production of high concentration (>13%) of ethanol from corn and triticale were conducted. Higher concentration of ethanol in the fermented mash results in lower distillation cost of ethanol. From 25 yeast strains, the best strain was selected for corn and triticale, respectively. The optimum conditions for high concentration of ethanol from corn were 33℃of fermentation temperature, 6 days of fermentation time, 1 × 108 cells/㎖ of initial
cell number, 1.2 % of solid glucoamylase, 24 hr of seeding culture age, and 0.2 mM copper as medium additive. The optimum conditions for high concentration of ethanol from triticale were 36℃of fermentation temperature, 4 days of fermentation time, 1 × 107 cells/㎖ of initial
cell number, 1.2 % of solid glucoamylase, 24 hr of seeding culture age, 12 mM urea and 0.2 mM copper as medium additive. Using the combination of the optimal conditions, almost of the fermentation for the corn and triticale were compleed in 3 days.


  • You-ri JANG Dept. of Bioscience and Biotechnology, The University of Suwon 445-743, Korea.
  • Young-hoon LIM Dept. of Bioscience and Biotechnology, The University of Suwon 445-743, Korea.
  • Keun KIM Dept. of Bioscience and Biotechnology, The University of Suwon 445-743, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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