

朝鮮時代 ‘向化’개념에 대한 硏究 - {朝鮮王朝實錄}을 中心으로


A Study on the Concept of ‘Hyanghwa’ of Chosun Dynasty

조선시대 ‘향화’개념에 대한 연구 - {조선왕조실록}을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The word, ‘Naturalization(向化)’ is an unfamiliar term for us; however, to us as citizens who live in a multicultural society, it is a word worthy of hearty appreciation even once. At the present Korean dictionary, it has been defined as the word related to those terms such as Enlightenment(敎化) which are used to explicate the governance through a virtue of moral excellence(德治主義) of Confucianism, and the word, ‘Hyanghwa(向化)’ itself has already included the meaning of Enlightenment(敎化). On many occasions, people who were dubbed the converts or the naturalized citizens(向化人) emigrated to Chosun because there were such substantial reasons as economic and political advantages, rather than living in a society for reasons to the governance through a virtue of moral excellence(德治主義). Therefore, to understand the converts or the Naturalized citizens(向化人) correctly, it shall be required to examine the cause which is the governance through a virtue of moral excellence together with the true realities which are economic and political advantages. The word, such as Hwangjoin(皇朝人) should be considered in order to understand the meaning of ‘Naturalization(向化)’. Hwangjoin(皇朝人) were those displaced people who had been forced to leave the fallen Ming Dynasty, and they will be contrasted with the converts or Naturalized citizens(向化人) that were mainly composed of the Northern tribes or Japanese. Actually, Naturalized citizens(向化人) and Hwangjoin(皇朝人) had all emigrated to Chosun because of changes in international affairs, meanwhile, however, they were treated differently for the reason that they were ‘Hwai’(華夷). If we dub Chosun ‘Self’(我), Naturalized citizens(向化人) and Hwangjoin(皇朝人) are equally called as ‘The Other persons’(他者). Can we say that Chosun had established the right relationship with Other persons(他者)? Judging from the facts that there was occurrence of convert or naturalization for the other persons, dubbed Naturalized citizens(向化人) and that there was another occurrence of emigrants, called Hwangjoin(皇朝人), it is evident that the Relationships between the two had not rightly established. Also, the names so called Naturalized citizens(向化人) and Hwangjoin(皇朝人) were not given according to the preference of the other person, but provided by Chosun one-sidedly. The reasons for occurrence of convert or naturalization for the other persons, dubbed Naturalized citizens(向化人) and for occurrence of other emigrants, called Hwangjoin(皇朝人) were ideology such as ‘Hwai’(華夷). It is thought that the Relationships between ‘Self’(我) and ‘The Other Person’(他者) can be established only after excluding ideology.


‘向化’라는 말을 우리에게 낯선 단어이지만, 다문화 시대를 살아가는 우리에게 한번쯤 음미해볼 가치가 있는 단어이다. 현행 국어사전에서는 儒敎 德治主義의 敎化와 관계있는 단어로 정의되었으며, 向化라는 말 자체도 이미 敎化의 의미가 내포되어 있다. 向化人은 德治主義라는 名分보다는 경제적⋅정치적 이익이라는 실질적인 이유 때문에 조선으로 이주해 온 경우도 많다. 따라서, 向化人을 올바로 이해하기 위해서는 德治主義라는 名分과 경제적⋅정치적 이익이라는 實狀을 함께 고려해야 한다. 皇朝人이라는 말도 ‘向化’를 이해하는데 반드시 고려되어야 한다. 皇朝人은 멸망한 明나라의 유민으로 北方民族이나 倭로 이루어진 向化人과는 대비된다. 實狀에 있어서 向化人과 皇朝人 모두 국제정세의 변화 때문에 조선으로 이주해 온 것이지만, 이들은 ‘華夷’라고 하는 名分上의 이유 때문에 다른 대우를 받았다. 조선을 ‘我’라고 한다면 向化人과 皇朝人은 모두 ‘他者’이다. 조선은 ‘他者’와 올바른 ‘관계’를 맺었다고 할 수 있는 것인가? 向化人이라는 ‘他者’와 皇朝人이라는 ‘또 다른 他者’가 생겨난 것으로 보아 둘 사이의 ‘관계’는 올바로 이루어지지 않았다. 또한, 向化人과 皇朝人이라는 명칭은 ‘他者’가 원한 것이 아니라 조선에서 일방적으로 규정한 것이다. 向化人이라는 ‘他者’와 皇朝人이라는 ‘또 다른 他者’가 생겨난 것은 ‘華夷’라는 이념 때문이다. 이념이라는 색안경을 걷어내야만 ‘我’와 ‘他者’의 ‘관계’를 바르게 정립할 수 있다. 이 논문은 이념이라는 색안경을 걷어내는데 일조할 수 있을 것이다.


<논문 요약>
 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 德治主義의 名分과 實狀
 Ⅲ. 向化人과 皇朝人
 Ⅳ. 他者그리고 또 다른 他者
 Ⅴ. 맺음말
 <참고 문헌>


  • 서근식 Seo Geun-sik. 한림대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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