


Zinc Oxide/Carbon Black Composite Electrode for Electroenzymatic Synthesis of (s)-Styrene Oxide Using a Styrene Monooxygenase



Monooxygenases are very useful enzymes because they can introduce one oxygen of molecular oxygen into the non-activated carbon atom. However, almost all of them require cofactors such as NAD(P)H, Fe-S cluster, FAD or FMN for electron transfer, which is the main bottleneck for the synthesis with isolated enzymes. In this study, direct electrochemical FADH2 regeneration for asymmetric synthesis of (s)-styrene oxide with a styrene monooxygenase from
Pseudomonas putida SN1 was investigated. The concept of electrochemical generation of FADH2 was reported elsewhere, but the productivity of the system is too low to be used for practical application. We found from the cyclic voltamograms that when super P® carbon black material was used for electrode fabrication, those electrodes showed higher reduction current for FAD than most of the other electrodes. But in real synthetic application, the productivity of (s)-
styrene oxide was not that high compared to the the fast FADH2 generation rate due to the low coupling efficiency between FADH2 generation and monooxygenation. Therefore, the carbon black electrode was modified with various materials and we found that zinc oxide (ZnO) substantially enhances the reaction rate when it was incorporated into the electrode, increasing the abovementioned low coupling efficiency. In addition, electroenzymactic reaction
conditions were optimized for additional increase of the productivity. Details will be presented and discussed.


  • Donghyun LIM School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Yang Hee KIM School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Young Je YOO School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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