


SAM-dependent Methyltransferases from Aminoglycoside Producers: Cloning, Expression and Characterization



the addition of methyl group to any biologically active molecules brings change in physico-chemical properties of that molecule. The methylations may take place in biosynthesis, metabolism, detoxification, signal transduction, amino acids or nucleotide processing. In majority
of the cases, methylation reactions are catalyzed by Sadenosylmethionine- dependent methyltransferases (SAM-MTs). Aminoglycoside antibiotics also contain methyltransferase enzymes which are SAM-dependent and may function during the biosynthesis or post modification of these compounds. Here, we have investigated and compared some of the SAM-dependent methyltrasferases in silico, and overexpressed them in E. coli for enzymatic characterization.


  • Prajwal RAJBHANDARI Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University
  • Nagendra PRASAD KURUMBANG Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University
  • Kwangkyong LIOU Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University
  • Jae Kyung SOHNG Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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