

디아스포라 서사의 윤리 -만주 이주민 소설과 중국조선족 소설을 중심으로-


The ethics of diaspora narration


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The face of the other in latest Korean literature is overlapped with a past memory of Korean diaspora who suffered in foreign country as the other. The novel of Manchu immigrants projects colonial unconsciousness by representing the other nation as an anti-ethical figure, but the latest Korean novel expresses secret and unconscious desire of pseudo-imperialism while
presenting the other nation as an ethical figure. Chinese-Korean literature has its meaning even today since it represents the existence of the other. In other words, ‘we’ continue to identify ‘nature of myself’ of the other and the desire of pseudo-imperialism within
‘ourselves’ since the presence of the same national but the other at the same time exists in front of ‘us’. Also, this literature can be an example to demonstrate that a diaspora narration can advance to narration of ethical subject formation as it contains the establishment of ‘nature of myself’ and the ethics of self-examination. We can get a chance to look at the recent
trend of Chinese-Korean literature by reviewing work in 『Yeonbyun Munhak』, a paper of Yeonbyun chapter in Chinese Writers’ Association.


1. 서론
 2. 민족 수난사의 (반反) 윤리성
 3. '자기성'의 성립으로서의 윤리
 4. 타자와의 마주침, 자기성찰의 윤리
 5. 타자 재현의 윤리와 중국조선족 문학의 독자성


  • 차성연 Cha Seong-yeon. 경희대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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