

Role of NTFPs in Rural Livelihood of Lao PDR



About 83% of the total population of Lao PDR lives in rural areas. People living near forest are highly dependent on the forest resources closed to their villages. Especially non-timber forest products (NTFPs) provide a wide range of subsistence needs and are the main source of their cash income. They also make a significant contribution to the country economy. The annual
export value of NTFPs is considerably high. 708 edible NTFP species (238 edible plants and 470 animals) have been recorded so far, and about 400 plants have been reported and used as medicinal plants by Lao people. One hundred NTFP species are considered as commercial forest products. The striking trend in NTFP resources is the decline of some commercial species due to increased demand on them for commercialization, and the loss of forest by rapid population growth. To sustainablely manage the NTFPs resources, a number of new management systems are under development and support in progress by the government.


 Forest Resources and NTFPs in Laos
 Role of Non-Timber Forest Products
  Role of NTFP for Household Food Security
  NTFPs as Traditional Medicine
  NTFPs as Important Cash Income Resource
 Domestication of NTFPs in Lao PDR
 Trends in NTFPs Resources in Lao PDR


  • Lamphoune Xayvongsa Faculty of Forestry, National University of Laos
  • Young-Soo Bae College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • Yong-Eui Choi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • and Jae-Seon Yi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University


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