

錢穆의 史學과 憂患意識


Ch'ien Mu's Study about Chinese Historiography and his Consciousness of Anxiety

전목의 사학과 우환의식


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From beginning of 20th century in China had been suffered from relentless threat and distress from not only domestic disintegration but also aggressive western attacks. Faced of the crisis upon China, Chinese civilization to be destroyed with loss of confidence were out of line. At this point, Ch'ien Mu(錢穆, 1895~1990) said "it is shame that there is no national pride and sovereignty among Chinese." As working on the subject of Chines history, he pursued Chinese people to restore national pride and preserve their cultural properties as spirits in them. To study Chinese history, Ch'ien Mu emphasized the uniqueness of Chinese history. He thought the process is significantly different between the western history and the Chinese history. He indicated that the ultimate soul intention in Chinese history was embodying in peace. Represents, the most comprehensive concept of peace in Chinese history from ancient time he asserted that the Chinese political system and social structure seeking for reasonable, rational, equal, harmonize, emotion etc. Based on this conviction, he criticized the theory of that China had been feudal, monarchy and the darkness society which claimed by scholars in large numbers since the 19th century. In addition, Ch'ien Mu tried to reconstruct the uniqueness of Chinese history and the Chinese patriotism with a confidence. Futhermore with his spring-blooded enthusiasm, as he accomplished Kuo-shih ta-kang(國史大綱), he led people to bear noble patriotic mind. As a result it brings many patriotic people standings up for saving their own country. To conclude, all of Ch'ien Mu`s life was devoted for restoring national noble pride from collapsed, and devastated country. More to emphasize, Ch'ien Mu himself carried the corroborating Chinese consciousness of anxiety which is a allegiance to endeavor his own duty on preserving the national sovereignty and highly enlightened Chinese culture throughout his relentless study, which subject was Chinese history.


 Ⅰ. 錢穆의 國家認識
 Ⅱ. 錢穆의 史學認識
  1. 만주족의 역사탄압
  2. 사학방법론의 폐단
  3. 자국사에 대한 부정
 Ⅲ. 錢穆의 憂患意識
  1. 정치적 측면
  2. 학술적 측면
  3. 사회적 측면


  • 김택중 Kim, Taek-joong. 서울여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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