

宋代 城市에서 住宅의 賃貸業과 賃貸價格 硏究


A Study on Rental Housing and Price in Chinese City, Song Dynasty

송대 성시에서 주택의 임대업과 임대가격 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kaifeng(開封) and Hangzhou(杭州) has enormous population which is composed of diverse classes such as Gongrens(宮人), relatives of emperor, officers, militaries, merchants, handicraftsmen, Kehus(客戶), religionists, lessor, usurers and so on. According to historical documents, there was landlord who dedicated to other people property of housing; furthermore there was soaring housing price. This leasing service had various prices range from 10 Wen(文) to 10 Guan(貫). Compare to current consumer’s price, if they had earned 15 Guan(貫) in month, this is enough for a family consist of 10 persons. Dianzhaiwu(店宅務) which has managed more than 20,000 Jian(間) of housing services –this measurement is high ratio in Kaifeng(開封)- is constructed from the founding of Song dynasty. Rental fee was 400~500 Wen(文) in Zhenzong(眞宗) and Renzong(仁宗) period; moreover this price has been raised 5 Guan(貫) in Shenzong period. Rental fee has manipulated by hierarchy, consequently deviation of housing fee differed greatly. Most of high hierarchy was official and military Kehu(客戶) and merchant (even government) leased other’s house. There were several characteristics of arrangement of housing fee. The price was high when if the person has leased by higher class. Also the price in Kaifeng(開封) was higher than other small city. A landlord had enormous benefits for rental fee; otherwise the needy had to pay their housing fee from their poor income. However this demonstrates the fact that the needy supported their life with paying their housing fee. Also lower leveled officer could keep their living with paying housing fee. Furthermore high leveled officer had abundant living even they rented luxurious house. According to Engel’s Law, landlords have lower Engel values than tenants.


 Ⅰ. 宋代 城市의 人口와 城市 居住民의 구성
 Ⅱ. 私營 賃貸業
  1. 私營 賃貸業 槪況
  2. 賃貸業者의 賃貸 收入과 생활수준
  3. 숙박업
 Ⅲ. 官營 賃貸業
 Ⅳ. 賃借人의 생활수준


  • 조복현 Cho, Bok-hyeon. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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