

大一統帝國之統治與首都建設文化之初探 ─ 從社會間接資本的一個考察


Rules and Capital Construction Culture in the Qin-Han Empire - Study from a Social Overhead Capital

대일통제국지통치여수도건설문화지초탐 ─ 종사회간접자본적일개고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The city in the Chinese history is the one of cultural symbol. It Has been established from the primitive city's formation until the feudal country, Some cities gradually had a country politics, the military and the economic center in the nature and the function. This nature city has the difference with the general concept's city, this is a capital city. the capital city function is just like person's forehead to be ordinary. Therefore the capital city in the national geographical position and the situation, as well as its organic scale, is relating generation of dynasty rise and fall. Each dynasty or the political power respectively have its capital city, some also continue. These capital cities save waste may reflect the individual dynasty or political power certain appearances. This is because the capital city is at for the dynasty main center, all corners of the land, may understand from here to the national situation. Therefore, will understand and studies the capital city to be helpful to the historical research The Qin and Han Dynasty empire's capital city is the political main center and the military fortress. Ancient times the empire capital city, generally was located in the economy to be developed, good communications' area, by obtained the grain and the commodity conveniently which needed. Therefore, unifying the empire capital and the center launches the palace and rituals of state construction building vigorously naturally. Also has take irrigates, the transporting grain by water as the goal hydraulic engineering as well as the path communications network's construction and so on.


 Ⅰ. 秦帝國的成立與首都咸陽建設
 Ⅱ. 漢帝國的成立與首都建設
  1. 西漢首都長安建設
  2. 東漢首都洛陽建設


  • 정창원 Jung, Chang-won. 제주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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