

문화교육 기획논문

중국인 한국어 학습자의 글쓰기에 나타난 오류 연구


An Error Analysis Found in Writings of Chinese-Speaking Korean Learners.

김선정, 김성수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Seon-Jung & Kim, Sung-Su. 2009. An Error Analysis Found in Writings of Chinese-Speaking Korean Learners. The language and Culture 5-3: 139-160. This study aims to analyse Chinese-speaking learners' errors in their writings. The errors will be classified in terms of their linguistic categories(i.e. particles and endings), and causes such as ommission, submission, and addition will be analysed by their aspects. In this study, aspects of errors are examined in terms of the following two assumptions: interference from the first language (i.e. Chinese) and influences by the target language (i.e. Korean). This is based on previous researches about error analysis hypothesis. As a result, it was found that for errors caused by interference from Chinese, ommission of particles and endings appears. It was also possible to identify those errors caused by Korean influences which took place due to over-generalization, simplification and improper application of Korean grammar. The results above will predict errors which appear in the process of Korean language learning, and thus will be used to promote the efficiency of Korean language education. Furthermore, they will provide useful information to prevent fossilization of errors when developing Korean language textbooks. (Keimyung University) Keywords: learners of Korean language, interference, errors, error analysis, fossilization, ommission, submission, and addition


 1. 머리말
 2. 선행 연구
 3. 오류 분석
  3.1 조사에 나타난 오류
  3.2 어미에 나타난 오류
 4. 맺음말


  • 김선정 Kim, Seon-Jung. 계명대학교
  • 김성수 Kim, Sung-Su. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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