A study on the development of a standard curriculum for Korean culture education in Central Asia.
Lee, Sun-Yi. 2009. A study on the development of a standard curriculum for Korean culture education in Central Asia. The Language and Culture 5-3: 51-73. This paper is focused on how to develop a standard curriculum for Korean culture education in Central Asia. The current effort to set a standard criterion for Korean studies worldwide is, while effective, overly broad and may not fit the needs of certain areas of the world. Because of this, Korean culture education development should focus on regional and institutional characteristics while developing programs that fit the situation on the ground and meet the prescribed standard as much as possible. The methods for developing a standard curriculum for Central Asia’s Korean Studies Programs is as follows. First, Investigate the present condition and needs of Korean Studies programs in the region. Second, faculty in Central Asia will participate as fellow researchers and discuss development ideas, analyze research materials, and do on-site research into the demand of Korean studies in Central Asia. Third, Collaboration by South Korean and Central Asian researchers to design and tweak the details of program curriculums. When this is completed, the variations between learning materials from university to university will have a chance to be curbed substantially. (Kyung Hee University)
1. 문제제기
2. 인식으로서의 한국문화 : 한국문화교육을 위한 세 가지 전제
3. 해외 한국문화교육 교육과정 현황 분석
4. 중앙아시아 한국문화교육 교육과정 개발 방안
5. 맺음말