

‘-(어)지-’에 관한 의미적 특징에 대하여 (1)


A Study of the Semantic Features with Respect to ‘-(e)ci-’ (1)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper describes the semantic features with respect to ‘-(e)ci-’ when they are used by native speakers in daily life. In order to perform of this study, we selected 115 pieces of transitive verbs from object verbs. The selected verbs combined by ‘-i/hi/li/ki-’, ‘-(e)ci-’, and ‘duplicated passive form’ are usually composed of actual sentences. We investigated the usage of the three forms such as ‘-i/hi/li/ki-’, ‘-(e)ci-’ and ‘duplicated passive form’ when native speakers actually use them in daily life. As a result, native speakers use ‘-(e)ci-’ in the following situations: (1) the natural situation due to the passage of time, (2) the unexpected situation that is suddenly occured, and the accidental situation that is happened by chance, (3) expression depending on the property of the subject. All doers do not exist in this study. Thus, the semantic feature of ‘-(e)ci-’ is exactly different from ‘-i/hi/li/ki-’ and ‘duplicated passive form’, and the representative feature of ‘-(e)ci-’ is not passivity meaning but the natural situation due to the passage of time.


 1. 서론
 2. ‘-이/히/리/기-’, ‘-(어)지-’, ‘이중형’의 형태적 분류
 3. ‘-이/히/리/기-’와 ‘이중형’에 대하여
  3.1 ‘-이/히/리/기-’의 의미적 특징
  3.2 ‘이중형’의 의미적 특징
  3.3 ‘-이/히/리/기-’와 ‘이중형’의 비교 분석
 4. 연구 대상
 5. ‘-(어)지-’의 의미적 특징
  5.1 앙케이트 실시에 대하여
  5.2 앙케이트 조사 결과에 대하여
 6. 맺음말
 참 고 문 헌


  • 김혜진 Hye-Jin Kim. 일본 동북학원대학(Tohoku Gakuin University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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