

Proposals for the Meaningful Observance of the Sunday


Na, Hyung-Suk

한국실천신학회 신학과 실천 제21호 2009.11 pp.127-150
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The article proposes steps toward a more meaningful Sunday observance.
For this purpose we first revisit and perhaps rediscover the concept of Sunday and the meaning of its observance. Sundays ties to "Sungsu Juil" is challenged while its christological, ecclesiological, and sacramental interpretations are reaffirmed to bring to better focus the meaning of Sunday for the Body of Christ. It is concluded that a meaningful Sunday observance does not constitute a ritualistic and duty-bound filling of an "empty day" with religious activities and legalistic devotion. A meaningful Sunday observance is about tasting the fulfilled Sabbath which Sunday points to as its symbol, becoming one in the body of Christ the Church, and participating with anticipation in the baptismal river and Lord's table in which the body of Christ the Church is promised to be raised.
There are biblical, historical and theological grounds to justify worship on Sundays; however, mere historical precedence should not determine worship on any fixed day. Practical considerations such as time-scheduling, its rich symbolism, biblical and apostolic tradition, historical authority, and theological justification, do, however, render Sunday as the ideal setting for the weekly service.
Yearly cycles with festive seasons immediately divides Sundays to two categories: "festive" Sundays with a specialized topic and "ordinary" Sundays without any focus on issues. Sundays are considered empty days waiting to be filled with educational or spiritual obligations. It is suggested in this article that Sunday services and seasons be separated in their tasks and functions so that the two, rather than becoming rivals for theological meaning, instead complement each other in accomplishing their respective tasks.


I. Introduction.
 II. Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath or the symbol of theSabbath fulfilled?
 III. Where does the fulfilled Sabbath dawn?
 IV. Is Sunday different from other days of the week?
 V. Is it necessary for worship to be held in the fixed day,that is, on a Sunday?
 VI. How could the Sunday be observed meaningfully?
 VII. Conclusion


  • Na, Hyung-Suk Associate Professor of Hyupsung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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