

An (impossible) excursion into matrix [Spec, vP] out of an elided complement clause in Korean


Myung-Kwan Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates into impossible deletion of an embedded predicate complex in Korean. We have first shown as in Chung (2009) that when an embedded subject or object stays within an embedded clause, the case in point is attributed to non-constituenthood of the embedded predicate complex. However, grammar allows Move to feed Delete: in other words, movement of the embedded subject or object expression out of the embedded clause makes a way for the latter to undergo constituency-respecting deletion. Ahn and Cho (2009) argue following this idea that Korean (as well as English) does not allow CP deletion, blaming the case in point on it. Showing that Ahn and Cho's analysis is not sufficient enough in addressing all the possible cases in question, however, we have argued that movement of the embedded expression either through or into the matrix [Spec, vP] counts as an instance of A-movement in the constructions involving VP-like ellipsis, and that therefore it is ruled out as it involves extraction out of the embedded CP.


 1. Introduction
 2. Nonconstituent, undeletable predicate complex
 3. Undeletable CP
 4. Movement into matrix [Spec, vP]
 5. Summary and conclusion


  • Myung-Kwan Park Park, Myung-Kwan. Dongguk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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