

이중 언어사용과 인간의 마음/두뇌의 상관관계에 대하여


On the correlation between bilingualism and the human mind/brain


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates the relationship between bi-/multi-lingual abilities and the human brain, comparing the behavioral results of previous experiments in language acquisition with those of recent ongoing brain studies. For discussion, previous researches about the influence of bilingualism on children's intelligence are reviewed, and recent studies concerning brain imaging through ERP, fMRI, MEG, etc. are introduced. Then, Fodor (1983)'s modules and Smith (2003)'s quasi-modules which were assumed to explain human cognitive abilities are examined, and further the validity of the critical period hypothesis is discussed. Based on the assumption, it analyzes Flynn (2009)'s argument which the multilingual brain is the natural state of the human brain. It is argued that the human capacity for language can be assumed to accommodate multiple languages when exposed to the languages before the critical period, and that multiple languages are represented in the brain much in the same way as single language is. Finally, it emphasizes that the study of human language and brain has to be activated in the field of neurolinguistics to investigate the correlation between the unique human capacities.


 1. 서론
 2. 이중 언어사용 두뇌가 단일 언어사용 두뇌보다 지능 면에서우월한가?
 3. 이중/다 언어사용 두뇌에 관한 영상 연구
 4. 인간의 보편적인 특성으로써의 두뇌/마음의 능력
  4.1. 인간의 인지구조: 입력체계와 중앙체계 (Fodor, 1983)
  4.2. Smith와 Tsimpli (1995)와 Smith (2003)의 유사/준 모듈
  4.3 한계시기
 5. 인간의 보편적인 특성으로써의 언어 능력
 6. 결론


  • 강혜경 Kang, Hye-Kyung. 열린사이버대학교(Open Cyber University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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