

포스터 3 분 Speech : 좌장: 장재형 교수(연세대학교), 강택진 교수(동국대학교)

Evaluation of Micelle Process for the Pre-purification of Paclitaxel from Plant Cell Cultures



The micelle process was developed for pre-purifying paclitaxel from plant cell cultures of Taxus chinensis, giving a high purity and yield. The approach in this work was to transfer paclitaxel in the crude extract to an aqueous surfactant solution as a micelle, allowing organic solvents to be used for removal of lipids and non-polar impurities. In this work, the effects of various surfactants such as CPC, CTMAC, LTMAC, SDS, AOT, Tween, PEG, and Triton were examined on the
yield, purity, and phase separation time in micelle process. Among these surfactants, CTMAC (5%, w/v) gave the best result in terms of paclitaxel yield (~99%), purity (~21%), and phase separation time (30 min). The use of micelles in the pre-purification process allows for
rapid and efficient separation of paclitaxel from interfering compounds and dramatically increases the yield and purity of crude paclitaxel for subsequent purification steps.


  • Min-Gyeong HAN Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongju National University
  • Keum-Young JEON Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongju National University
  • Jin-Hyun KIM Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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