

학생구두발표 (한국어발표) : 좌장: 이상현 교수(신라대학교)

Functional Study of Lysosome-Related Organelles Extract for Hypermelanosis Reduction



It is usually known that abnormal accuired hyperpigmentation, melasma is due to excessive melanin production. Till now, finding effective tyrosinase inhibitors, either from synthetic or natural sources, have been tried to reduce melanin-related hypermelanosis, because tyrosinase is a key enzyme for melanin biosynthesis in the cells. However, it sometimes reported that severe side effects after treating tyrosinase inhibitors, such as allergic sensitization or exogenous ochronosis were observed. In 2006, Massey et al. reported that disrupted lysosomal function over aging may further contribute to pigment accumulation. Therefore, in this study, we isolated lysosome-related organelles from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, HeLa cell lines and Hen’s egg white, and then used organelles extract for the reduction of melanin causing hypermelanosis. We found that as a period of 20 days, 90% of melanin was reduced by
treatment of organelles extract, as measured by the reduction of melanin pigmentary intensity. Our results indicate that lysosome-related organelles extract may be useful agents for cosmeceutical skin lightening and treatment of hyperpigmentation disorders. [This study was supported by the 21C Frontier Microbial Genomics and Applications Center Program, grant No. 11-2008-10-002-00, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Republic of Korea. The authors are grateful for their support.]


  • Jihee YOON Graduate School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University.
  • Laura M. OH Graduate School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University.
  • Jiho MIN Graduate School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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