

양화사 인상과 중의성


Quantifier Raising and Scope Ambiguity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at providing a plausible explanatory mechanism on the relative scope ambiguity between quantifiers in one sentence. Aoun & Li's(1989, 1993) Minimal Binding Requirement and Scope Principle, which have explained such ambiguity relations between quantifiers, leave some technical and conceptional problems in that some stipulations are to be required. However, the newly formed chains based on feature-checking in the minimalist theory suggested in Kitahara(1993), i.e., the distinct chains formed by feature-checking motivation based on the minimalist theory, give clear ways of explanation on the scope ambiguity between quantifiers in a sentence without any stipulations. Thus, following the present trends treating relative scope ambiguity relations without recourse to the rule of Quantifier Raising(QR) could be crucially supported by this kind of feature-checking approach to the scope ambiguity between quantifiers. Furthermore, it supports the argument for the quantification theory without recourse to the rule of QR


 1. 서론  2. 양화사 인상 규칙(QR)에 의한 연쇄 형성과 작용역 원리
 2.1. 연쇄, 최소 결속 조건과 작용역 원리
 2.2. 문제점
 3. 자질 점검에 의한 연쇄 형성과 작용역 원리
 3.1. 자질 점검과 연쇄 형성
 3.2. 자질 점검에 의한 연쇄와 작용역 원리
 4. 결론


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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