

The Purpose and the Distinctiveness of Christian Schools


Hwa Seon Chang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article explores the purpose and the distinctiveness of Christian schools which are the
contemporary concerns of church leaders and Christian educators in Korea. Based on this issue, the purpose of this paper is to provide basic ideas of Christian schools to Christian parents and educators. In order to delineate the purpose of this article following specific contents shall be discussed. First, this paper will describe why we need Christian schools today. This question will be discussed based on the religious nature and cultural aspects of education, God’s mandate and the Great Commission. Second, the purpose of Christian schools will be described in terms of helping parents to perform their tasks, pupils’ serving the Lord, teachers’ teaching biblically, taking up our cross to follow Christ, and God’s glory. Third, five elements will be explored as the distinctiveness of Christian schools such as truth, biblical integration, Christian staff, potential in Christ, and organizational practice. God wants us to establish Christian schools and our students to be educated in Christian perspectives. To accomplish this commissions parents, church leaders and christian teachers need to understand the necessity, purpose and distinctiveness of Christian schools. Christian schools intend not only to follow
Christ and glorify God but to help students develop a God-centered world and life view.


 I. The Necessity of Christian Schools
  1. The Religious Nature of Education
  2. The Cultural Aspect of Education
  3. God’s mandate
  4. The Great Commission
 II. The Purpose of Christian Schools
  1. Helping Parents’ Tasks
  2. Pupils’ serving the Lord
  3. Teachers’ Teaching Biblically
  4. Taking up Our Own Cross to follow Christ
  5. God’s Glory
 III. The Distinctiveness of Christian Schools
  1. Truth
  2. Biblical Integration
  3. Christian Staff
  4. Potential in Christ
  5. Organizational Practice
 IV. Conclusion


  • Hwa Seon Chang Anyang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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