

Missing Contents after Spell-Out


Yu, Chong-taek

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yu, Chong-taek, “Missing Contents after Spell-Out.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 35.4(2009): 307-329. This paper proposes an assumption on a complementizer (comp) that/Φthat,: a comp that/φthat merges externally with a head C in a main clause or in an embedded one, either having its phonetic contents (PC) but missing its semantic contents (SC) or missing both its PC and SC after Spell-Out. This paper also proposes an assumption on a comp for/Φfor: a comp for/φfor merges externally with a head C in an infinitival clause, either having its PC but missing its SC or missing both its PC and SC after Spell-Out. Besides, a prepositional link (PL) to/Φto has either its PC but misses its SC or misses both its PC and SC except for in the passive voice. Finally, this paper argues that lexical items such as a Φpreposition which merges externally with a bare-NP adverb or a gerund, and a common imperative subject you miss their PC but still have their SC after Spell-Out in present-day English. (Howon University)


 I. Introduction
 II. The Missing Contents of Comps
  2.1 The Missing Contents of a Comp That
  2.2 The Missing Contents of a Comp for and an Infinitival Marker to
 III. The Missing Contents of Lexical Items
 IV. Conclusion
 works Cited


  • Yu, Chong-taek 유종택. Howon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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