

The Two Structure-sensitive Constraints OCP(XP) and C-command in Korean Prosodic Phrasing


Kim, No-ju

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, No-ju. “The Two Structure-sensitive Constraints OCP(XP) and C-command in Korean Prosodic Phrasing.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 35.4(2009): 271-289. N. Kim’s previous studies have shown that properties both of phonology and of syntax play a significant role in defining a P-phrase in Korean. Among the constraints that play major roles in N. Kim’s studies, the constraints OCP(XP) and C-command are structure-sensitive in that they make a judgement on syntactic structures the words of an identical P-phrase can or cannot have. Though these two constraints played major roles in N. Kim’s previous studies, it turns out (i) that the constraint OCP(XP) is no longer necessary and (ii) that the constraint C-command needs to be revised. Eliminating OCP(XP) and making a revision to C-command, this paper aims to simplify and develop the area of prosodic phrasing in Korean phonology. (Kyungpook University)


 I. Introduction
 II. Korean Prosodic Phrasing
  2.1 Two Phonology-sensitive Constraints
  2.2 Two Structure-sensitive Constraints
 III. The Two Structure-sensitive Constraints OCP(XP) and C-commmand
  3.1 Eliminating the Constraint OCP(XP)
  3.2 Revising the Constranint C-command
 IV. Concluding Remarks
 Works Cited


  • Kim, No-ju 김노주. Kyungpook University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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