

마샤 노먼의『잘 자요, 엄마』 연구 : 모녀관계를 통해 본 여주인공의 정체성 찾기



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Park, Joo-eun. “A Study of Marsha Norman’s ’night Mother: The Pursuit of Heroine’s Self-Identity through Mother-Daughter Relationship.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 35.4(2009): 39-57. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze how the pursuit of heroine’s self-identity is depicted in Marsha Norman’s ’night, Mother. ’night, Mother is a tense dramatization of the relationship between a mother and her daughter, who is moving towards suicide. Jessie comes to find her identity in three stages. First, Jessie has no her identity. Second, Jessie comes to recognize her identity. Finally, Jessie gets her identity. During Jessie experiences these stages, absent men play a negative role. Jessie has suffered a series of personal losses and inherited epilepsy from her dead father, which gives her an imaginary world. Her epilepsy has had a debilitating effect on her life and has rendered her freakish. Above all, Jessie feels an impulse of suicide because of her father’s suicide without saying any good bye. Cecil, Ricky, and Dawson gave her disappointment, unhappiness. Even King, her dog, which ran under a tractor and was killed gives her sense of loss. At the close of the drama is Jessie overcome by hopelessness, and her search leads her to the only choice remaining: suicide. It means that she gets feminine identity and female autonomy. (Shingu University)


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 모녀관계를 통해 본 여주인공의 정체성 찾기
  2.1 제씨이 정체성 부재 단계
  2.2 제씨의 정체성 인식 단계
  2.3 제씨의 정체성 획득 단계
 III. 부재 인물 남성
 IV. 나오는 말


  • 박주은 Park, Joo-eun. 신구대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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