

'APEC 미래과학자마당’을 통한 국제과학영재 교육활동 소개


Introduction of the International Education Activity; APEC Future Scientist Conference


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The 1st APEC Future Scientists Conference was held on August 20~24, 2008 to provide opportunities for mentors and mentees to meet in person and to share research and academic activities in the past and to reinforce academic exchanges and human networks. The main participants were high school students and college students of APEC economies, who are interested in science research activities. The conference attracted the gifted students and teachers in science field, who will be engaged in sharing their various experiences and knowledges via oral presentation, poster session and team project workshops. It also improved opportunities to strengthen relationship among the Gifted in Science and teachers and try to find
better ways to provide the advanced education contents to them. APEC Youth Scientist Journal was published as international youth scientist journals by collecting research contents presented at APEC future scientists court in theses.


 I. 서론
 II. 행사운영
  1. 포스터 프레젠테이션
  2. 팀 프로젝트
  3. 사이언스 토크
  4. 과학기관방문
  5. APEC 청소년 과학학술지 발간
 III. 결론


  • 이상천 Lee, Sang Chun. 경남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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