The purpose of this article was to introduce about nuclear power education in Japan. In this paper, it was described the needs and backgrounds of nuclear power education, the contents of nuclear energy of elementary and secondary school textbooks, and the educational cases of nuclear power at school education or extraordinary curricular in Japan. The implications of this study were as follow. 1) The nuclear power education needs an educational system from elementary school to university level. 2) Inservice program and supporting system for science teachers and social studies teachers will be adapted for the nuclear power education. 3) There are also required to educational systems of nuclear power education for the teachers training universities. 4) The high level specialists of nuclear power were demanded at university level. And 5) the government and company will have to be concerned with nuclear power education.
1. 서론
2. 일본의 원자력 교육에 대한 배경 및 필요성
3. 교육과정과 교과서에서의 원자력 교육
4. 일본 정부 차원에서 대학 수준의 원자력 특별 교육 지원 사업
① 원자력 연구 촉진 프로그램 (문부과학성)
②원자력 핵심 인재 육성 프로그램 (문부과학성)
③ 원자력 교육 지원 프로그램(경제산업성)
④ 도전하는 원자력 체험 프로그램(경제산업성)
5. 원자력 발전소와 연계한 현 단위의 원자력 교육- 이바라키 현의 경우
6. 초등학교에서의 원자력 교육 실천사례-이바라키 현의 경우
7. 결론 및 시사점