

초등학교 3ㆍ4학년 추상어휘 지도방법 연구


A Study on Abstract Vocabulary Teaching for Third & Fourth Grade Elementary Students

김귀석, 이수경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to develop efficient vocabulary teaching methods to help third & fourth grade students master and actively use abstract words, to provide teachers with them along with their examples, and to help them teach elementary students abstract words more effectively. First, the basic vocabulary words in the English curriculum of elementary school are analyzed as follows. 1. They are divided into the two categories, function words(10%) and content words(90%). 2. They are further divided into the two categories, concrete words(35%) and abstract words(65%). 3. Among the abstract words, there are more verbs than any other word class(adjectives, nouns, and adverbs). 4. They are again divided with regard to the features of each word class as follows. Verbs are grouped into dynamic verbs and stative verbs; nouns into common, and collective material nouns; adjectives into character or state adjectives and number or amount adjectives. Next, Efficient teaching methods for each word group according to their characteristics are offered as follows: a) Action verbs: Use body movements or action, and correlations in meaning. b) Stative verbs: Use a chant. c) Common nouns: Use storytelling and drawings. d) Collective material nouns: Use the hyponym. e) Character or state adjectives: Use diagrams, sense relations, simple poems, and mime. f) Number or amount adjectives: Use picture cards.


  • 김귀석 Kim, Guiseok. 조선대학교 영어영문학과
  • 이수경 Lee, Soogyung. 광주교대 부속 초등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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