


임진왜란 사료에 대한 사학사적 검토 -『선조실록』과 安邦俊의 역사기술을 중심으로-


Study on Imjinwaelan Records of Sillok and An Bang-jun's Discriptions

임진왜란 사료에 대한 사학사적 검토 -『선조실록』과 안방준의 역사기술을 중심으로-


전북사학회 전북사학 제35호 2009.10 pp.97-137
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to investigate on the records about Imjinwaelan (Japanes Invasion to Korea in 1592~1598) written by An Bang-jun(1573~1654) and how it influenced on compilation of Seonjo sillok and Corrected-Seonjosillok. An Bang- jun and his records already has been introduced several times by other scholars. But it hasn't been studied about influence on authentic record compilation by his description about Imjinwaelan. This study mainly focuses on that point. An Bang-jun, a scholar living at Imjinwaelan period was a disciple of Seng Hon(成渾)who was a great master of New Confucianism. And he set much value on practical ethics in his life. He changed his pen name from Woosan(牛山), the name of local area, to Eunbong(隱峯) at his later years. The Eunbong came from Po-eun which was Chungmongjoo's pen name and Joongbong which was Johoen's pen name. Chungmongjoo was the first scholar who adhered to Korean scholor's principle. An Bang-jun expressed a sworn relation to Johoen through publishment of Hanguishinpoen(抗義新編) gathering Johoen's activities and his memorials to the throne. The records about Imjinwaelan written by An Bang-jun are total 7 articles and those are mainly about leaders of righteous troops. He left on record about them due to feeling guilty on no prize after the war even they raised an army in the cause of justice. He left abundant records about righteous troops in Cholla Province(Honam district). This was a different opinion from Yi Hang-bog's one who played a leading role in editing Seonjo sillok. Yi Hang-bog was a bureaucrat who was leading administration of army as the Minister of War during Imjinwaelan six times. He had been a responsible person of administration for Cholla-do district after Imjinwaelan and led editing Seonjo Sillok after Seonjo died. After Seonjo Sillok completed, King kwanghae has been forced from power by coupt' of Injo and the power moved from Boogin party to Soein party. Due to the factional strife the argument come up to modify Seonjo Sillok and Yi Sik(李植) took this role. An Bang-jun and Yi Sik exchanged letters many times presenting opinions about the history at that time, and the result has been reflected to Corrected-Seonjosillok. Therefore An Bang-jun's records about history have been reflected to Corrected-SeonjoSillok which has been delivered to the present. An Bang-jun was a great scholar of Neo-confucianism and intended to leave record and to give a tribute to righteous troops who spent blood and treasure for the country, and he made big efforts on activities for that. Since he was one of Seoin party and expressed obviously Soein party's standpoint, some of scholars are reluctant to quote from his books. His description about history plays an important role in checking a historical fact. But his writing was focusing on ruling class so it has been described around not the actual circumstance of the unwashed but the leaders of righteous troops. This is the key example of Sarim(士林) age's historical description characteristic.


1. 머리말
 2.『선조실록』의 사료적 문제점
 3. 안방준의 임진왜란 기사 서술
  3.1 안방준의 일생과 학문과 성격
  3.2 안방준의 임진왜란 기사서술
 4. 맺음말


  • 鄭求福 정구복. 한국학중앙연구원 명예교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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