


조총을 통해서 본 한일관계


Research on MiThe relation between Korea and Japan in the light of zochong


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is sparking renewed discussion about relations between Korea and Japan through the ‘Jochong’, which is a musket with a long shooting range. Jochong was the important chemical weapon during the Imjin war(壬辰倭亂) and the Jeongyu war(丁酉再亂) The Japanese army armed with Jochong threatened the Korean army with the conventional weapons. The Japanese armaments were much stronger than those of Joseon and China. Then, how the Japanese could gain possession of Jochong? It was nothing but a mere accident. It started in August, 1543 when a Chinese pirate ship led by Wangjik was drifted to Tanegashima in Kagoshima by a typhoon. The Japanese became aware of the existence and power of Jochong, and then bought two pieces from the Portuguese sailor who was on board the pirate ship. It is said that they even offered their pretty young daughter to the Portuguese sailor to acquire the techniques of making them. Jochong spreaded all over the country during the age of rival warlods, and finally Oda Nobunaga who quickly detected its power operated the Jochong squad and almost unified the nation. His successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, completely unified the nation and made an invasion upon the Koran peninsula. Jochong played an important role throughout the wartime. In the meantime, Joseon got an inkling of Jochong but underestimated its power, so that its development was quite delayed. During the Imjin war, Joseon had a correct understanding of Jochong and then imported them from China. They gave an impetus to the development of Jochong, but its power was inferior. However, they acquired the techniques from the Japanese surrenderers. The Japanese surrenderers offered their Jochong-making techniques to settle down in Joseon. This way, production of Jochong in Joseon was indebted to the Japanese. It is a good example that the method of Jochong being introduced to Korea through Japan speaks for the utilitarian attitude between Korean and Japanese.


1. 머리말
 2. 조총의 일본 전래
 3. 일본의 역사를 바꾼 조총
 4. 조총의 조선전래
 5. 마무리


  • 노성환 No, Sung-Hwan. 울산대학교 일본어ㆍ일본학과 교수, 비교신화학, 비교민속학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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